Giant Skull

For 2019, the company Day of The Dead chose Regina Moya, among eight other local San Antonio artists to paint a giant skull. The skull collection was displayed in the streets of San Antonio during November. The Skull may be transported and displayed for a temporary exhibit to a museum or institute elsewhere. (it may […]

Día de Muertos in San Antonio is becoming a very important event. Since 2017, Historic Pearl has been the main place where the community gathers to celebrate Day of the Dead. Historic Pearl is the former brewery that operated from 1883 to 2001and is now converted into one of San Antonio’s most important retail, dining […]

Regina has created life size catrinas for her comissioned altars. In 2018, she created Sor Juana, an 8ft Catrina dedicated to Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz that was donated to San Antonio´s Public Library and is now permanently displayed as part of the Library´s private art collection.