The Gift of Water

The Gift of Water

In 2013 Regina was commissioned by Deutsche Bank to write and illustrate “The Counting Machine” a Children´s book that talks about the Carbon Counter, a machine created by MIT and sponsored by Deutsche Bank to create awareness on how the planet is getting warmer.   It was translated to Spanish and Portuguese and was given out to thousands of clients all over the world for a Christmas gift. 

(falta una foto)

In 2014 Regina wrote and illustrated “The Gift of Water”, a book that talks about water conservation, it was converted into a short animated film by renowned Mexican University of Animation SAE  and has had thousands of viewers all over the world, it has been used over and over in conferences and water conservation events.

The Gift of Water (English Version)

El Don del Agua (Versión en Español)

El Don del Agua (Versión en Español)

El cuento animado “El Don del Agua” es una iniciativa de México y fue inspirado por el libro de la artista y escritora mexicana Regina Moya.

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